Arathorn: Hello Koo.
Koo: And a good moo to you, young man.
Arathorn: That’s a nice compliment.
Koo: It wasnae really meant to be. But I’m glad you took it that way.
Arathorn: I’ve come up from south of the border to bring friendly greetings from Gerrie.
Koo: Gerrie?
Arathorn: Gerrie. You know, the cow you sent a few pictures to last year.
Koo: Och. I was forgetting. Greetings received with thanks, tell her, but I’ve got a bone to pick with her.
Arathorn: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong? What’s she done?
Koo: Tell her she cannae spell my name.
Arathorn: Enlighten me.
Koo: Someone called dunadan – a weird kind o’ name to me – sent me a copy of the thing in July 2006 [see dunadan link] and I noticed that my name was spelt C.O.O.
Arathorn: Well, isn’t that right?
Koo: O’ course it’s not. Every self-respecting Koo doesn’t want his name spelt as if it’s a urprise. It’s spelt with a K. K.O.O.
Arathorn: Point taken. Is that all? Any other message for her?
Koo: Well, let me try and put this politely, young man. We ruminants need time to chew and digest, and have little time to moo with every Tom, Dick and Hamish that come along. Not like your Gerrie who might have a strange digestive system for all the talking she does.
Arathorn: Now, I wonder how you know she talks a lot…
But Koo has turned his back and walked off. Arathorn watched. The chat had not turned out quite what he had intended. He’ll need to improve his technique!