Saturday, 3 March 2007

what hits you hits me...

I do not quite understand one thing about criticism of Government and Council policies. When either body passes laws that involve the members of Joe Public paying extra money, such as congestion charges or parking fees, or creating more nasty road bumps or whatever, the papers will come out with plenty of criticism, repeated by different interest groups to explain why such policies should not be implemented and so on. Yet I can't help thinking every time, "But here, wait a minute, won't the policy-makers themselves be affected by those decisions? They too will have to pay the increased tax, join the NHS treatment lottery, bump over those nasty roads. So what hits us hits them too." Should this be of comfort to us? In the case of money MPs are covered by juicy pensions, but not all things are to do with money. And local councillors do not have a fat pension at the end of their stint in office but will still have to pay increased Council Tax or parking fees, and so on. Or am I missing something?

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