Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Still learning

I have done this to show that I am still learning, having discovered from the new daughter on the blogging block about Collage. However I am intrigued that it has a certain limitation. I selected 7 photographs and it came up with 9, having repeated the first two!!?? Of interest they might be they are not the best of the bunch but why the extra anyway and how is it prevented?
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Anonymous said...

The number (of photos) needs to have a square root because the end result needs to be a square. So it makes up the required number as best it can

Hevs said...

that was very mathmatically explained!it just selects photos from the beginning again to duplicate

Hevs said...

Like the new set up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, so do I. I thought it could with a change. I also thought I might be able to get your link on but I didn't - but then Evie has not got your link on her site either - and you haven't got anybody's!!!!