My system doesn't let me put up more than 5 photos at a time - or if it does I don't know how -so officially this is the second batch, but of course it has come up at the top of the blog. It's rather like some films which have prequels. Anyway, these flowers are in St James's Park and they make a friendly little grouping.

You might think I have a strange imagination, but these seemed just like the Formula 1 cars belting off at the start of their race or even the start of the marathon.

It can be surprising what you see creeping imto the public toilets!

These poor Horse Guards soldiers are just marching off from having been inspected by an officer in the full gaze of the public. To the right off-screen were two mounted soldiers whose horses were also given the look-over. You couldn't hear if he was pleased or not!
Great photos dad! i liked the positioning of the wheel in the first and your interpretation of the cars, no flowers on the F1 starting line!
Alyssa said the flower photos were "lovely!".
ps my endless midnight hours on thr blog have revealed the following...
To put more than five photos on, just put your five then repeat the same process as many times as you want to add more (from clicking on the picture icon on your post screen)
You can also wiggle around the order once they have uploaded, just by left clicking and dragging i think. Let me know if it doesnt work!
final ps! Havent seen you comment on my blog yet...hint hint!!
Coming to something when I get instruction from a rookie! I will try it sometime. I understand anonymous APE who comments on your blogs is not so anonymous to you!!I had not commented myself as inspiration had not mused, but I do like your textual style as well as your photos - the g.l. said, "Charis was veering toward your camera", but I have renounced all claim to it and am delighted to see it in such capable hand.
Thank you Alyssa!
Thanks! Your camera has been life-transforming, happy sigh!
I try and keep it from Charis but every now and then she manages somehow to get her mitts on to it! She has at least learned to actually take a photo now though!
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