Saturday, 28 April 2007

under-age drinking

An alcohol charity, Alcohol Concern would like to see parents prosecuted for giving under 15s alcohol to drink due to the rise of over-drinking in that age group. Naturally government says it not a good idea as all systems are in place and society has turned a corner. Was it Newton who stated that for every action there is a reaction? There are indeed two sides to every argument. My own parents drank but in moderation and to put us off it they gave us three children a swig to drink at around the age of one! Sister and brother said yeuch, but yours truly licked his lips and said more. In the end after the age of 18 yours truly hated the stuff which he had had occasionally over the years, whereas bro and sis were content with the odd pint. Then as parent myself we had no drinks in the house and now all four children like their occasional (?) tipples - and for all I know their topples too - but only since they were 18! So who's right and who's wrong?


Anonymous said...

I remember my Gran giving us a little sip of sherry when the adults had theirs before a meal when I was about 7 years old. Then occasionally we'd have a small amount of wine with lemonade with a special meal. As I got older, we'd be allowed a small glass of wine at home. That was about the only time I ever drank. I remember feeling quite guilty about having a cocktail in a bar a couple of weeks before my 18th birthday. I now occasionally have a drink, but not often - I prefer water or juice when I'm out. On the other hand, my sister, who was brought up in the same way as me, went through a phase when she used to go to clubs and get really drunk. She's now married, and she doesn't drink that much either anymore, although she will have a couple of glasses of wine whereas I might have one or two sips. What made her drink lots and me not drink much at all? Who knows? It's an interesting question ...

By the way, what a lovely day it was today! It was good to see you both again - it's been such a long time! I look forward to seeing the photos on Evie's blog.

bachman said...

Thanks for that comment on your experience. I am not alone! It was a lovely day, and everyone was sooo friendly!

Anonymous said...

Occasional...hmmm, i would dispute that comment, particularly in the case of the older ones!
In A's family, the following were banned by his very strict family - alcohol, whistling, having long hair (boys)- but it does not appear to have affected their consequent behaviour!