Ah the scene of so much goings and comings, of meetings and departings,
Of new life expectancies and old life renewed.
Away from Blighty, let us see Paris
for fun and gaiety
and the odd crepe or two.
Now all is past.

Where there was movement there is now stillness.
Look over the balcony and what do you see?
The check-ins have made their last move ,
spiders will have it all their own way.

Where is the cafe? An empty hole now marks the place for discounted coffee and sarnies.
No place even for a respectable railway mouse there now.
Nothing on an escalator that leads from and to nowhere,
Below all is is bare,
Above is boarded.
Ah, the irony!
for that is the only sign of any boarding in this once so busy axis.

Time has truly stood still.
Just at the point when midnight, or even midday would strike, it ceased
Finally to move no more
Finito - all is over
It is time...

...to bring in change, for a new perspective.
Terence Cuneo sits there with his back to the past and looks out on the hurrying, scurrying present, just as his predecessor had done,
Palette in hand he watches to mark the new day,
the new life,
the new comings and goings of the island -bound peoples around him.
No tunnel,no sudden realisation of a new land.
Just England...
Dear old England...
Time to get over to St Pancras, I think!
Inspiring ... maybe I should try a photo poem on my blog ...
How beautiful...how sad...
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