It's Hello to Giulietta's country - or rather, Scottish - cousin, who has come to brave the muck and grime of the great metropolis for a few days, leaving behind the pure, clean air of the Clyde Valley.

And it's Hello to the voice that spoke in my ear as I was preparing this shot at 7.03 this morning. Now whom do you expect to see that you know at that unearthly hour? Only the youngest son, Dunadan himself, on his way to work out at the gym BEFORE WORK!!!
And it is Goodbye, la famille Erulin!
Well, it's off a-Gwada'ing for the Erulin family after a hectic few days and a nice mini-cab driver who laughed at Granny's jokes (Surely beyond the call of duty, innit?).
I puzzled over this photo as I could not see Joel anywhere. I am however reliably informed that he was in the buggy (why do they not call them push chairs anymore? Is there a significant difference?). Although Charis appears to be sitting in it, she is actually standing beside it, thus shielding the wee mite.
Mum was not as worried as she appears, I believe; she seemed to be having a friendly enough chat with one of the staff.
Shortly after this baby JoJo was frisked at the security desk to make sure he was not carrying suspicious packets in his nappy. (Any packet in the nappy is suspicious - Mum will always say, "Have you got a dirty nappy?" in the most incredulous tones.)

And finally, it is Goodbye faithful iron.
There was I, placidly doing some ironing, when a suspicious smell and an unexpected light prompted me to look down, and behold, the iron was on fire, just where its lead emerges from the protective tubing, and within micrometres of my hand. Hurriedly I stood the iron on its stand and switched off at the socket. I watched the flames - fortunately few in number and low in height quickly die away. Phew!
Later, as I entered the Tube station, I received a text from elder son. The following exchange occurred:
E.S.: Re the iron - Shocking!
Me: A flaming nuisance!
E.S.: Hot under the collar are u?!
Me: Let alone hand! (Going underground precluded further interesting comments.)