The New River is not so new. It was a canal built in the 17th century to bring water from near Ware to London, but its last few miles have been culverted since the nineteenth century. A small section has been made by Islington following near to its original course to make a very pleasant walk alongside a small stream. These photographs are from that. I was out yesterday looking at reflections and the first photograph is quite a dramatic design, even if I haven't quite got the colour right, probably because I was looking a little too near towards the sun.

Further on I had the delight in capturing something I would not have succeeeded in doing had I worked for it. The mallard drakes were arguing over a female and I was recording some of the action. No easy task. But in this photograph, the action is in the background, and none too clear, but the drake in the foreground has been caught in mid-quack, which I think is rather cool.
I particularly love that first photo!
Did you see Harry the Heron?!
No dunadan but how do you know it is Harry and not Harriet?
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