There was great fun in the household today in regard to Valentine's Day celebration. The other week I was in a local park taking careful photos when I spotted a couple of lovey doves ( or pigeons or something ) and stopped to take a hasty photo of them.

I was only just in time as they flew off almost immediately afterwards. Then, during the family trip to Whitstable last Saturday, beautifully recorded by Evie on her blog, her sister, the young Mum of 2.9 children, said she liked a certain seat. So I took a photo of the same.

Strangely enough I am not sure that she actually sat on it, but that's neither here nor there...
Back home the g.l decided to show yours truly how to send that photo via email, but somehow managed to send the photo of the two birds instead. After some mystification and bemusement the error was later corrected.
After careful thought on my part I decided that the same birdy photo would make a suitable subject for a Valentine's Card for the g.l. and managed last night to put it together, and left it on the kitchen table for her to see this morning for she would be rising before me. This she did and later I came up to make a cup of tea. To my great astonishment I found that the g.l. had left me a Valentine's card - with the two little birds as its main design!
Someone's comment was to the effect that that is what comes from being married for nearly 40 years! Why did I mention the seat/bird photo mix-up? Well the g.l. was doing the Valentine card around the same time, so we may have here a rare example of a Freudian photo slip, or not...