Friday, 4 January 2008

This is a still from a camera movie in which the time-honoured tradition of 'Piling the Cream' was observed. The objective is to pour out as much cream on the spoon as it can possibly hold before its contents are spilt onto the Christmas Pudding below. Members of the family have aged and matured and it has been left to the two unwedded members to keep the fun alive. Does that mean only they know how to enjoy themselves in a ridiculous fashion? Does marriage really stop one letting one's hair down? Deep mystery indeed. On this occasion the prize went to the member pictured here on her second attempt. Has any reader got any custom which they indulge in to the merriment of all.
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Anonymous said...

Marriage? Nah, just dont like the taste of that cream...!! (unless accompanied by lashings of christmas pudding of course!)

bachman said...

For me it is the only way I can eat christmas pudding, other than with custard...