Saturday, 20 October 2007

A Fairy Castle?

Did you know that you can see a fairy castle in London? Well, here it is with all the essential ingredients of turrets, roofs, multi-complex stories and a lovely colour tone. It is a shame it is slightly blurred, but then it may mean that Queen Titania had cast a spell to ensure no-one was able to get an absolute perfect copy to sell on ebay and so encroach on her privacy and relative laws.

Friday, 19 October 2007

Miss Leading Headline

The other day I was intrigued by an Evening Standard billboard which announced 'SKUNK FLOODING LONDON'. In my pedantic mood I thought, 'Shouldn't that read 'Skunks flooding London'? Even so it seemed a strange sort of phenomenon, which would be made much more of if it was really true that there were thousands of the darned critters galloping around the Metropolis. So then I thought, 'In that case can it mean that a sole specimen of the species has a very serious bladder problem?' The imagination boggled at this and I left it at that. The light dawned a day or two later when I saw the word used in an American detective novel in the context of drugs! It must be a very smelly drug!
('Thank you' to Wikipedia for the photograph)

Friday, 12 October 2007

Is this another stairway to heaven?
John ends his gospel with the declaration that he supposed the whole world could not contain all the books that could be written about the many things that Jesus did. I feel a little that way when going through London with the camera. I see so many things that one could take a photo of but surely there is a limit to the number of photos that the computer can take, even after editing, that one must surely need to keep buying new computers to take them all.
Today I was looking at buildings in Oxford Street and Soho Square, and the lighting display in The Plaza Shopping Mall. In the Square there is great variety for such a small area.
Whatever one says about London it is not at all boring!