Sunday, 9 September 2007

I have taken to the road in the local area and ealswhere in London again to capture the odd view or two, but try not to comapare the quality of the results with those like Evie and the dunadan witht heir superior efforts untill I have got the hang of it
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Anonymous said...

Isn't St Pancras such a wonderful building!
This side view is in shadow so the lighting was not in your favour but you should practice with various positions (posibly next to the road blockade) and zooming in and out on your camera.
A say a decent effort for your beginner status.
As you know for me now the problem is I have more expectations to fufil. Make the most of this freedom you have to make mistakes and practice! Love Evie
ps Lovely to see you at church today, sorry I was late!

bachman said...

Thanks for the commment - it was actually taken from the bus so I didn't have too much time to zoom!

Anonymous said...

Where's my train??! Oh, not there yet...

Are you going to download those photos from you and Alyssa??