Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Challenging walks

Have you all been missing me? If so you've been very silent about it. No inspiration comes from the Times Letters - the original spur to this blogging affair. But have been trying to obey Doctor's orders and get walking more so it's often up and around Hampstead Heath smartly, without the good lady as well as with her. The last 20 yds or so up Parliament Hill is real steep, but then along comes daughter and pushes buggy with two Toddlers on board and makes easy weather of it...! I used to think I walked fairly fast at times, but find lots of young, and not so young ladies pass me with the greatest of ease - just as they used to when I went swimming, yet their effort seemed effortless. Oh well, anno domini and all that.

If you live anywhere near London, like walking and want a real challenge, then I know just the thing. The G.L. and I are going out most weeks to do something we have completed already, the 'London Loop'. This is a walk of 150 miles which follows very roughly the outer perimeter of the capital, a sort of ramblers' M 25. As I said we have completed it twice, following the guide book published for the purpose. This third occasion is the challenge - we are doing it in an anti-clockwise direction which means following the instructions in reverse. I assure you with every honest breath I can muster, that 'tis no easy matter; even though we've done the route twice before, we are seeing it from a different perspective and it's not always recognisable or signed, even with the help of the guide book.


Anonymous said...

yes we did miss you! nice bumping into you in the park yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Today we walked from the canal, passing Bulls Bridge near Hayes and Harlington Station to Hatton Cross Underground station. The last stretch was through a watermeadow - lots of dragonflies - under the flight path into Heathrow. Got some nice photos.

Anonymous said...

And we are very proud of your efforts, a few more months and you will be rolling down the hills with us:)

bachman said...

to anonymous Evie, all I can say is...Ouch!