Wednesday, 16 May 2007

technology is wonderful...isn't it?

Technology is wonderful...isn't it? Its creators persuade us so easily that there is nothing better for our lives, to make them easier, smoother, satisfying...And in great measure they are right, until the stuff breaks down. And why is it that they all do it at the same time? So now we are printerless, freezerless and, almost, pianoless! The printer has hassled us for months and now has just given up the ghost completely (We bought it early last year but lost all proof of purchase. What a bummer!). The fridge freezer has given what one supposes must be dutiful service for 7 years and now the freezer part has packed up after sounding as if it has been uttering a death rattle for several days. I bought the second-hand piano from Chappells in February and now their chief piano technician recommends we change it because of several major problems that have come to light only through playing it, so it's prayer and charm offensive time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there! A.N.Other calling! I've been around a good few decades now and you could call me very versatile as I can usually come up with a thought on any subject, though my most popular area is in poetry. It's usally of the old-fshioned rhyming type which we all learnt as children:
Tis good to see a sunset/ Glowing so deep and red/ Especially in the evening/before we go to bed/ For 'tis a gracious promise/That on the the following morn/ The day will be as lovely/As the day that you were born./But should the dawn be glowing/With a gorgeous lovely hue/Then take it as a warning/The sky won't be so blue./For rain wil come down pouring and wet you to the skin/Unless you've heeded my advice /And stayed your house within. So long folks. Nice talking to you.