Tuesday, 20 February 2007


This is my second attempt to overcome technical inexpertise to get started out on my first blog step. They said it would be easy, but some of us out here in the real world have an infinite capacity for proving them wrong. So in case this does not work again I will stop here and press publish and hold my breath!

Well would you believe it, we got a result...nay, the result required. So I wonder why pressing Save failed, or was it because I altered the time. It matters not, I'm here and henceforth hope to add my ha'pence to comments arising from the London Times letters page, and articles therein. this is because I'm always thinking of responses, but the chances of being published are slim and I feel I just have to write something...


BCB Webmaster said...

Hurrah! I look forward to your musings.

Mulier Fortis said...

Congratulations... and welcome to the Blogosphere!

Hevs said...

you didnt tell me about this blog! are you trying to hide something...? I find alberto an excellent sounding board for all my opinions on the times letter page, tho doubt he actually hears half of what i say!

Jeffrey Smith said...

Once you get the knack, it's easy. I don't have much of a background in computers, so if I can do it anyone can.

bachman said...

Thank you all for your great welcome!