Saturday, 27 December 2008

First Impressions

Two new DVDs (or is it DVD's?) have entered the house this Christmas. The G.L. received, by request, a copy of 'Mamma Mia' and yours truly received, unrequested., a copy of 'WALL.E'.

This morning I came into the room and found the 2 ladies ensconsed with M.M. The angle of the TV meant that I could not see the film properly, because it favours those on the couch, but that did not matter. As an ABBA fan I was quite content to listen to the music, even though I did not follow the action too well. However I did find it strange not to hear the real ABBA sound. I look forward to watching it properly - as long as I can bear the high - pitched screaming and excitement of the almost all-female cast. I bet the gents of the film crews enjoyed themselves!

As regards WALL.E I had never heard of it before, and had missed Dunadan's review of it. It was provided by Evie who had loved it herself ( and probably got it for herself via me, if the truth be known.) She said that because I like Japanese-style cartoons I would like this one. However the style was completely different, although there was one similarity -- the sparseness of action and dialogue. Simplicity however does not mean that it was lacking detail, and there was enough to keep one's attention- after the first half-hour.

Yes, it took me that length of time to really appreciate what was happening and where it was going. That said, I did not understand the ending. The earthlings returned to a desolate earth with no skills, no physical condition, no knowledge, to try and reclaim the planet. Considering how difficult the early settlers found it to start colonising America, one is left wondering at the likely survival rate. However it will be worth watching again, and seeing what I missed on the first viewing.

Monday, 22 December 2008

December 2008 London Lights

Top 2: pouring rain for the London City Mission Carol Singing. Next 2: Oxford Street, with NEXT store having it all wrapped up! Last one: Regent Street. (Hopefully you can click on each one for a larger view.)

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Did he know?

Did the pilot know what he was going into? Would there be a TfL congestion charge awaiting him, or one of the Islington traffic wardens lurking round the corner, ready to pounce?
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Saturday, 6 December 2008

The new school

Alberto, your Scottish MIL thought you might like to see the work in progress on the new buildings of your old place of work, so I snapped a few photos today. I hope they give you an idea. Notice you don't see the old building from these angles. I started from Baalbec Road, and then worked down Highbury Grove and finally round into Highbury New Park.
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