This fierce, in-your-eyes looking creature called Berry is really a softie, some might say, a wimp, who it has been discovered rather likes his creature ( I use the term advisedly) comforts. He likes things to be without change or alteration. 2 days ago he was sleeping in Evie's room and the window was open for him to be able to go out into the garden for whatever reason. In due course of the day he did this. Later I happened to go into the dunadan's room next door and there this same Berry was on the window sill as usual waiting to come back in. "I always come in this way," he seemed to say, " so don't be trying to fob me of with the other window even though I know it is open." Cruelly I ignored him and returned to the open window of Evie's room and called him. He did deign to come, but honestly what can one say? Then yesterday a new bed arrived for Evie, to await her return to the family home, and there it stood with no bedclothes on it this morning. Outside the room a rather wet Berry loudly complained about something though it wasn't immediately clear what. He got a bit of tlc in our bedroom until it was necessary to stop as he got his claws out. I went to the bathroom and on exiting discovered him hovering around Evie's room, casting meaningful looks at the new bed. I couldn't believe what I was beginning to suspect, but I had to test it out. Sure enough as soon as I put the quilt, a couple of pillow cases and a bathtowel over the quilt since he was still damp, Berry immediately jumped up and curled up there for the rest of the morning. Now we know why he runs away from the streetwise black and white cat which periodically comes into the garden and at the sight of which he flees rapidly, usually back into the house. That one is not the same as the other black one which has twice come into the dunadan's room, and a couple of days ago came and mewed at my feet upstairs in the kitchen as he stood by Berry's feeding bowl. Whether it was already empty or he had just emptied it of Berry's remaining portions I don't know. So no wimp there. But Berry - you just gotta believe it!