Friday, 30 November 2007

Sing for your Supper?

Isn't this a cute Menu board? Spotted in the cafe section of the London City Mission's new arts centre in Limehouse. It does beg the question as to what you get for other numbers!
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Thursday, 22 November 2007

A runway?

Does this not look like a runway to you? I think it does, and in one sense it is. It is of a certain station which shall remain anon. at which we were told kindly but firmly that taking photos with a flash ain't allowed. I had already taken this one before hearing that moratorium but later the camera let me down and decided to break the regulations which is why we were then so advised firmly but kindly. And in what sense do I think the aforesaid is a runway? Well, simply that I took the photo and then had to run(a)way, except that we didn't but calmly made our way elsewhere. (Well, what can you expect from a Dad joke?)!

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Correction of Correction

Re that blog below, you click on the 'bekayem' link.


By mistake I have written a blog on my other blogsite 'Misky' instead of this site. Could I prevail you, dear reader, to click on to it as it was intended to prompt a bit of thought and debate.