Friday, 13 July 2007

change of circumstances

I started writing the blog as a place to comment on The Times news and letters . Although I did not do as much as I expected, it may now be impossible for me to do any. Why? Because the newsagent from which we had the paper delivered has closed due to some leasehold problems. They may or may not open again. The paper lad enterprisingly fixed up a job with another newsagent and we can continue to receive papers from this source, but since we are going to be away it would not be worth starting up with them until our return. In the meantime we are not missing the paper! It means I can't waste so much time after breakfast before I start moving, what with reading it, doing a crossword, a sudoku, and they've just introduced Codeword, another puzzle. I do puzzles from a book anyway. The g.l. has expressed her decided opinion - she does not miss it either. Sons 1 and 2 have not mentioned its absence (have they even noticed it?) So if this blog manages to crawl along it will be from other inspiration, which has been sadly lacking lately - everybody say, "Aaaah!" Meanwhile them as're going on holiday, pack your suncream AND your wellies and parka and furboots, it can get a bit nippy in Blackpool this time of the year, I'm sure.